Cavi in silicone per alte temperature
Cavi solari per impianti fotovoltaici

Cables insulated with fluorinated polymers (Teflon)


Single cores

FEP-MFA-PFASingle cable flexible conductor, FEP, MFA, PFA insulated
FEP-R – MFA-R – PFA-RSingle cable solid conductor, FEP, MFA, PFA insulated
ETFESingle core flexible conductor ETFE insulated cable
ETFE-RSingle core solid conductor ETFE insulated cable
RFC IGNITION CABLEIgnition cable flexible conductor insulated with FEP-MFA-PFA fluoropolymers


FEPO6YMulticore cable with fep cores and fep sheath
FEPD6YFlat multicore cable with fep cores and fep sheath
FEPORMulticore flexible conductor cable, with fep cores and pvc sheath
FEPOG4Multicore cable with fep cores insulation and silicone sheath


Single cores

FR5F IMQIMQ approved single core flexible conductor fep insulated cable
FR5P IMQIMQ approved single core flexible conductor pfa insulated cable
PTFE VDEVDE approved single core flexible conductor PTFE insulated cable
F6Y VDEVDE approved single core FEP insulated cable
F6Y6Y VDEVDE approved single core flexible conductor double insulated FEP cable
F6Y6Y 450-750 VDEVDE approved single core flexible conductor double insulated FEP cable
FEP UL1330UL approved single core flexible conductor FEP insulated cable
FEP UL1331UL approved single core flexible conductor FEP insulated cable
FEP UL1900UL approved single core flexible conductor FEP insulated cable
ETFE UL1828UL approved single core flexible conductor ETFE insulated cable